Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ways: On Content Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing has been around since the days of the traveling salesman. But with a strong assist from technology, it now it is re-emerging as the backbone of many branding plans.

If social media is to be believed, people living in major cities can't leave their homes without bumping into a prank featuring a vomiting baby or an elaborate interactive installation involving celebrities or artists

Content marketers are taking it to the streets – and to stadiums, subways, and bus stops.
With the vast majority of marketers using content to build their brands, it’s no wonder marketers are spending more on experiential even though return on investment measures are murky and expanding the ways their messaging/content gets delivered, i.e. Digital Activation (Experiential Content Marketing)

Ways to actionable experiential content marketing tips

Courtesy: ContentLaunch
Show customers you care Go the extra mile to make your customers happy; Facebook New Year’s initiative of video messaging captures the user’s experiences posted on their wall, in a video which goes viral and feeling is good Create(d) a talk-worthy experiences Let your customers do the talking for you. This Facebook experience went so viral that everyone started talking about it. Record the experience. Don’t leave it to chance that your customers will share their images of your events where, when and how you want to represent you’re offering. Give your best content away with your blessings, Agent driven Businesses such as Finance, Insurance, Auto, Hospitality, Hi-end luxury products, etc. use this tool very effectively for them to help them openup with their business conversations. Ask for recommendations, seeking knowledge is no harm and especially from the ones who is the reason of your existence, hence asking recommendations/feedback are healthy and also creates a room for new conversation with Positive note. We should make it easy for customers to socialize our content.

Red Bull really isn't experiential marketing. It's content marketing. Because it created content, which is the bit that people, gathered round to watch alongwith experiencing the Thrill

Experiential marketing can be expensive to execute, so showing ROI is crucial, The additional earned media on social channels can contribute to bringing down the CPM cost

We can demonstrate it better on a CPM basis.

What’s more valuable: You talking about your brand, or having your customer talking about your brand favorably?

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